Are You Still Using Tape Backups?

Still listening to the Bee Gees? Tape technology, although it offers advantages, is becoming as out-of-date for backing-up up data as reel-to-reel, cassette players and videotapes are for entertainment. No one listens to the Bee Gees on their walkmans anymore. Many small and medium businesses are now moving away from tape technology to disk or[…]

Ten Ways To Give Your Cloud Backup A Silver Lining

Online backup systems are becoming the best way to protect your business’ data and information. They usually provide a full backup not only on a daily basis but even every 15 mins with programs that collect, encrypt and transfer data over the Internet to a remote backup server. Even though this is a great step[…]

Learning Lessons About Firewalls And Backups

Virus protection and firewalls are a necessary part of network security. But you cannot rely on them as the only way to protect your business information from attack. You must make sure that you are also backing up your data. George learnt this lesson “the hard way”. A few weeks ago, [George], [the Manager] of[…]

What Is Your Recovery Time Objective (RTO)?

Do you know your business’ RTOs? I have been talking to clients about their computing needs for many years and I have found that most businesses don’t pay enough attention to the simple question: “How long can our business operate without our Computer Systems?” As your business grows and relies more and more on electronic[…]

Six Reasons Why Backups Fail

Are you sure that your backup system is working effectively to protect your business from disaster? How many people do you know who thought they had an effective backup system in place and when their system crashed they found that they had lost important information? Sadly I know quite a few people who have lost[…]

The Criminal Hacker Fallacy

Why would a master criminal want to hack into your business when they could be making millions of dollars stealing credit card details from large businesses? A lot of business people think that they are safe from hackers because a hacker has nothing to gain from stealing their data or breaking into their system or[…]

Beware of ransomware attacks

Sydney business attacked by ransomware A small business in my neighbourhood was locked out of their network by hackers last week. The small business of 12 people was prevented from getting access to their own network unless it paid a $3000 ransom demand. The hackers had used a form of malware (malicious software) known as[…]